giovedì 12 agosto 2010

Skateboard is not a crime!

[01-02-03] Lido degli Estensi (FE)
[04-05-06-07] Marianna Skatepark - Savarna (RA)
[08] Oasi Skatepark - Marina di Ravenna (RA)

[01-02-03] 27-02-2009
[04-05-06-07] 13-09-2002
[08] 2003

[01-02-03] Nikon D50 + Nikon SB-600
[04-05-06-07-08] Fujifilm Finepix 2800 Zoom

[01-03] Matteino
[02] Ciccio
[04-06-07] Giorgio Zattoni
[05] Unknown
[08] Emil

All images are exclusive property of Fogli Luca and are protected under International Copyright laws. The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted or manipulated without the written permission. If you wish to use or buy any of the images, please contact me by e-mail address lux76[at] or by Blogger mail

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